Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography

This is a relaxed professional portrait of a woman and man, presumably a couple. Although both are formally attired and dignified, they're not stiff. They fill the frame and the man's arm around the woman ties it together. Her lace collar with brooch is asymmetrical with his white shirt. The woman seems to be making a circular gesture with one hand and pointing with the other, but in truth, three of her fingers are hidden by cloth, leaving one finger to look like it's pointing. She wears a tiered dress, and the man sports a buttoned up vest and pinstripe pants.

SIZE. Whole plate (or full plate). This means the image alone is 8 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches.

HOUSING. Full case with very good burgundy-colored velvet pad.

CONDITION. "Re-cleaned lightly with tarnax" in 2023 (not by us). Re-glassed. Mat abrasions and scratches on periphery. Very good condition.

APPEARANCE. Very good contrast. Wonderful composition and use of space. Strong presence.