Greg French
Early Photography
s p e c i a l i z i n g i n n i n e t e e n t h - c e n t u
r y p h o t o g r a p h s
The Smoker Collection consists of 112 rare 19th century photographs
depicting the practice of smoking in many different cultures. It includes
photographs by acclaimed masters Kusakabe Kimbei and Roger Fenton, as well
as many great ones that are not attributed. Formats include large albumen
photographs, cartes de visite (CDVs) and tintypes. Any color you see is
hand-tinting. This collection was assembled over two decades by Richard
Segan, an avid collector who aggressively pursued these images. It would not
be possible to duplicate this collection or to even approximate it.
The worth of The Smoker Collection is not necessarily in its resale value,
but also in the opportunities it presents. It is a unique collection and
through maximum exposure the individual images can reach iconic status. If
the owner utilizes the following methods, the monetary value of The Smoker
Collection is limitless:
Website: Establish an on-line museum. Charge for the downloading of images.
Attract advertisers to your museum guaranteeing a monthly income.
Lease images: To books, magazines and documentaries. Standard fees are
$250-$350 per image and more. We have extensive experience in these venues
and can consult you.
Sell products: These images can be copyrighted and applied to clothing,
calendars, postcards and stationary.
There are many non-profit opportunities as well, like physical museum
exhibits and scholarly articles. Finally, there is no experience like seeing
these treasures in person.
Please contact: Greg French
Early Photography
P.O. Box 302283
Jamaica Plain, Ma. 02130
*The scanned images
are approximations of the original artifacts.
In many cases, the originals are richer than the scans.