1861 AMBROTYPE $1250. USD

Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
    Greg French Early Photography   Greg French Early Photography

The caption at top and bottom reads "GENERALS OF OUR ARMY, 1861."

This is an ambrotype photograph (photo on glass). It is a photo of a larger print. Each ambrotype is unique. Do not use water on it or you will lose the image.

There is one central figure and then eight in an oval configuration. The generals are identified beneath their individual portraits.

Central figure: Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott.

Below the figure: "Engraved & Published by J.C. Buttre 48 Franklin St. New York." This refers to John Chester Buttre. From Wikipedia: "John Chester Buttre (June 10, 1821 – December 2, 1893), was an American steel-plate engraver and lithographer, responsible for some 3,000 engraved portraits of American political, naval and military personalities. He published The American Portrait Gallery in three volumes (1880–81) with text by his daughter, Lillian C. Buttre."

12:00 position: Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan
1:30 position: Maj. Gen. John A. Dix
3:00 position: Maj. Gen. Nath. P. Banks
4:30 position: Brig. Gen. Nath. Lyon
6:00 position: John E. Wool
7:30 position: Brig. Gen. Robt. Anderson
9:00 position: Maj. Gen. J.C. Fremont
10:30 position: Maj. Gen. Benj. Butler

SIZE. Quarter plate. This means the image is 4 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches.

HOUSING. This is case #17, 'The Sweet Potato Dinner,' in Union Cases, by Krainik, Krainik, and Walvoord. The book lists it as Scarce. This is case 1-23, 'General Marion's Invitation to Dinner,' in Nineteenth Century Photographic Cases and Wall Frames, by Paul Berg. The book lists it as Common. From Union Cases: "General Francis Marion (1732 - 1795), known as 'The Swamp Fox,' was one of South Carolina's most daring and brilliant officers during the Revolutionary War. He was referred to by his contemporaries as the 'Washington of the South.' His fame arose from his tactic of swift, harassing raids against the British armies. Often when pursued, he would nimbly retreat into the familiar forests and swamps. Tradition holds that a captive English officer was offered a simple dinner of roasted sweet potatoes and cold water by General Marion. 'But surely, General, this cannot be your ordinary fare!' 'Indeed, Sir, it is,' replied Marion, 'and we are fortunate on this occasion, entertaining company, to have more than the usual allowance.' Whether true or no, this story illustrates the difficult plight and the determination of Marion's army. The encounter between 'The Swamp Fox' and the English officer was depicted by artist John Blake White (1781 - 1859)... John White entitled his historical painting General Marion in Swamp Encampment Inviting a British Officer to Share His Meal. It is presently located in the United States Capitol, Senate wing. In 1840 the Apollo Association published a beautiful mezzotint engraving by John Sartain (1808 - 1897) based on White's painting... During the Civil War, the Confederate Treasury issued a ten dollar note with The Sweet Potato Dinner vignette as a central design. Finally, in 1876, Currier and Ives published a small lithograph of the famous illustration entitled, General Francis Marion, of South Carolina, in his Swamp Encampment Inviting a British Officer to Share his Dinner of Sweet Potatoes and Cold Water. As far as we are able to determine, the identification of General Marion's dinner as 'sweet potatoes and cold water' originated with the Currier and Ives title."

SIZE. Quarter plate. COLOR: Dark brown. FRONT: Crisp corners. Crisp sides. BACK: Crisp corners. One small nick at bottom, right side. Otherwise, crisp sides. RAILS: No stress cracks. Aforementioned small nick (see BACK.) Very good. INTERIOR RAILS: Very good. SILK PAD: Good. (A velvet pad is probably more appropriate.) HINGES: Tight. CLASP: Does not hold. MAT AND PRESERVER: Shiny, attractive and blemish-free.

CONDITION. Very good to excellent.

APPEARANCE. Clean and sharp. Rich tones. Very good contrast. Nice arrangement.